氧化系列magnesium hydroxide series
产品报价: 电讯
所属分类: 氢氧化镁
联系人: *驹
移动电话: 135****1799
固定电话: 86*************027
公司名称: 潍坊恒天化工有限公司
公司地址: 北宫东街4327号soho新e城1218室
主营业务: 天日盐 、水洗盐 、工业盐 等

生产厂家/产地潍坊恒天化工有限公司mg(oh)2的含量≥潍坊恒天化工有限公司(%) 白度≥来电谈执行质量标准来电谈 质量等级来电谈激光粒径d(50)/μm来电谈 激光粒径d(90)/μm来电谈颜色/外观来电谈

氧化系列magnesium hydroxide series氧化是一种优质的环保型阻燃剂、消烟剂和填充剂,广泛用于pe、eva、pp、pvc、abs、tpe、pa、pbt、不饱和聚酯、树脂、橡胶、油漆等化工及环保领域;可作为塑料、橡胶等高分子材料的优良阻燃剂和填充剂,在环保方面可作为烟道气脱剂,可代替和石灰作为含酸废水的中和剂;用作油品添加剂,起到防腐和脱作用;用于电子行业、医药、砂糖的精制;用于保温材料以及制造其它盐产品。magnesium hydroxide (mdh) is a kind of perfect environment-friendly flame retardant, smoke suppress agent and filling, which is widely used in uaturated polyester, epoxy resin, rubber and paint, such as pe,eva,pp,pvc,abs,tpe,pa,pbt,as a superior flame retardant and filling. it can be used as a neutralizer for waster water itead of caustic soda and lime, also used in paint as antiseptic and desulfuration, as a refining agent in electric, pharmaceuticals, saccharin industry, besides, it can be used to produce the other magnesium products.